Control Chart Macros vs. Control Chart Templates
QI Macros Gives You Two Ways to Create Control Charts!
When to Use Control Chart Macros
- Use macros to grab data and look at a phase or beginning of your improvement project.
- To create a chart that does not require continuous updates (e.g. NOT adding new data to your chart daily/weekly/monthly).
- To chart something that HAS happened in the past.
- If you would like to break down your data set by week/month/year.
When to Use Control Chart Templates
- Use Control Chart Templates when you have an established improvement project.
- To continuously update your chart or charts (e.g. adding new data to your chart daily/weekly/monthly).
- Data collecting is HAPPENING or will CONTINUE TO HAPPEN in the future.
- If you would like to view your data set in its entirety.
To use a QI Macros Control Chart Macro
- Highlight your data in your Excel spreadsheet and click on the "Control Charts (SPC)" drop-down menu:
- Next, click on either the Variable, Attribute, and Special Control Chart sub-menus, and choose your Control Chart. A chart will then be automatically created!
- Not sure which Control Chart you should use? Highlight your data in an Excel spreadsheet and click the "Control Chart Wizard" option - it will analyze your data for you and choose which Control Chart fits best:
- Or you can look through our list of Control Charts to decide which chart to use!
To use a QI Macros Control Chart Template
- Click on the "Control Chart Templates" drop-down menu:
- Next, click on one of the sub-menus, and choose the Control Chart template you want. A template will then be opened. Paste your labels and data into the far left columns.
- NOTE: In the future, you can add additional data to the rows under your old data and the chart will update automatically; there is no need to create a new chart.
- Not sure which Control Chart Template you should use? Highlight your data in an Excel spreadsheet and click the "Control Chart Templates Wizard" option - it will analyze your data for you and choose which Control Chart Template fits best:
- Or you can look through our list of Control Chart Templates to decide which template to use!
Stop Struggling with Control Charts!
Start creating your Control Charts in just minutes.
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QI Macros Draws These Charts Too!