Need to Regularly Update Your Levey Jennings Charts?
QI Macros Control Chart Dashboards are the Answer!
Levey JenningsĀ charts are used by labs to monitor key measures of health like cholesterol and glucose.
The Levey Jennings dashboard has a few main components:
Data Entry Sheet
Just type data into the yellow/white input areas on the data sheet:
Several Levey Jennings templates to choose from.
To Create a Levey Jennings Dashboard
- Input measurement titles, specification limits and data into the data sheet as shown above.
- Click on the tab you would like to create a dashboard from - Levey Jennings, Percent, Fixed Stdev or Target:
- Use the Next/Prev buttons to look through the various charts to make sure they are what you want:
- When you have the right data and charts, click on the CREATE DASHBOARD button to create the dashboard. This will create new worksheets for each chart as well as the dashboard showing just the "Levey Jennings" Charts:
- Delete the unused worksheets, as they are no longer needed.
- You can rearrange the charts on the dashboard by clicking and dragging them around.
- You can copy other charts from the new worksheets (e.g., Histograms) and paste them onto the dashboard.
- You can then continue to add data to the data sheet and update charts by clicking the "Refresh Charts," "Refresh Charts w Stability," or "Refresh Charts w Rules" buttons on the data sheet. Refresh with Stability will run QI Macros stability analysis on all control charts. Refresh Charts with Rules will run QI Macros stability analysis on all control charts and show specific rules violated.
- If you save this workbook as an Excel "Shared" workbook, you could have multiple people updating various measurements. Just refresh the charts every so often. Anyone can then look at the dashboard.
I think you'll find this a very powerful feature of QI Macros. Creating dashboards of key measures quickly and easily. And keeping them up-to-date with a click of a button.
Learn more about how to update and customize your control chart dashboards.
Stop Struggling with Levey Jennings Dashboards!
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QI Macros Draws These Charts Too!