Looking for Free QI Macros Training and Resources?

Check out these resources to learn about QI Macros time saving features.

QI Macros Video TutorialsQI Macros Video Tutorials

Watch these short videos to learn more about QI Macros at your convenience. Learn about: installing QI Macros, drawing charts, conducting statistical analysis, data mining and more. There are also tutorials specific to data sets from the Health Care Data Guide and Six Sigma Handbook.

QI Macros Free Webinar
QI Macros Webinars

Watch previously recorded one hour overview of QI Macros or register for the next live webinar. Recorded webinars are divided into sections for easy access and viewing of the areas you are most interested in.

Lean Six Sigma for Dummies
User Guides, Whitepapers and Other Downloadable Resources

Downloads include one page cheat sheets for the most popular charts, our 36 page user guide and whitepapers on how to create PivotTables and improvement stories.

QI Macros How-to Articles
QI Macros How-to Articles

Learn how to use the more advanced features and functionality available in QI Macros. Read overview lessons or step-by-step instructions on specific charts or topics.

qi macros newsletter
QI Macros Monthly Newsletter

Each month we send out a newsletter that provides helpful tips and tricks on using QI Macros features. We also keep you current on happenings in the worlds of Microsoft, Excel, Statistics and Quality Improvement.