Need a Control Chart Template Where Center Line = the Average?
QI Macros has templates for all types of control charts!
QI Macros default control chart templates use the average of your data to calculate the center line. The 1 and 2 sigma lines and the upper and lower control limits are derived from this average.
To use a control chart template:
- Click on the QI Macros menu and select "Control Chart Templates":
- Click on one of the control chart templates to open it (e.g. XmR, XbarR, XbarS, Levey Jennings).
- The control chart using the average line is the default and is usually the worksheet that is the farthest tab to the left (e.g. XmR Individuals Chart):
- Data input areas are shaded in yellow. As you input data, the charts populate to the right:
- The X chart templates have input areas to define spec limits for the histogram:
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QI Macros Draws These Charts Too!