How to Filter/Unfilter the Data Set on a Control Chart Template

QI Macros makes it easy.

Included in QI Macros version 10.2020 and later.

Example of a control chart template with blank rows of data.


How to filter the data and make the chart easier to read

  1. Click on the chart and from the QI Macros Chart menu, select "Filter/Unfilter Chart":
  2. qi-macros-chart-menu-filter-unfilter

  3. QI Macros will filter out blank rows and update the chart.
  4. xmr-chart-filtered

  5. If you would like to add data to a filtered data set, select your chart and choose "Filter/Unfilter Chart." This will toggle the chart back to unfiltered status and will re-expand the data rows. You can then add data to your Control Chart Template.

Note: This functionality is not available on the Rolling or Scrolling Control Chart Templates.

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