Need to Perform a Hazard Analysis but Don't Know How?

QI Macros has a Ready-Made Hazard Analysis (HACCP) Template for Excel!

Why it Matters: A hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) is conducted to identify:

  • what could go wrong in your process (hazards)
  • what precautions you can take to prevent those hazards from occuring (critical control points).

Hazard Analysis is common in avionics, chemical process safety, safety engineering, reliability engineering and food safety.

QI Macros HACCP Template Will Guide You Through the Process of Conducting a Hazard Analysis.

QI Macros Hazard Analysis template contains several tabs:

tabs in hazard analysis template

The HACCP and HACCP Plan templates are shown on this page. See these links for descriptions of the other templates:

HACCP Template

haccp template


HACCP plan

FISH Steps


Personnel practices
Manufacturing practices
Cleaning, sanitation, pest control
Receiving, transportation, and storage
Traceability and recall
Supplier control
Hazardous material handling


Assemble the team
Describe the product and distribution
Describe use and users
Develop and verify process flow


1. Conduct hazard analysis
2. Determine critical control points (CCPs)
3. Establish critical limits (CLs)
4. Establish monitoring procedures
5. Establish corrective action plan
6. Establish verification plan
7. Establish record keeping process

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