Uncertainty Template

Used to Measure Different Forms of Uncertainty

To open this template, click on the QI Macros menu > DOE Gage R&R FMEA > Uncertainty Template:

DOE Gage R&R FMEA Menu Bottom

NOTE: This Worksheet is the intellectual Property of E=mc3 Solutions. Permission is granted to the E=mc3 Solution Clients who have validly purchased this spreadsheet or with a QI Macros Purchase. All others should contact: emc3solu@aol.com or call 330-328-4400 to purchase a license.

In the July 2024 version of QI Macros, there are (2) template options:


Prior to the July 2024 version of QI Macros, there were (2) template options:

Uncertainty Template Tabs

Uncertainty 2024

Included in the 07.2024 version of QI Macros

To complete this worksheet:

  1. Input your "Technicians" data in cells E23 to J42.
  2. Once you have done so, your Uncertainty values will be calculated and filled in automatically.
    Repeatability in B7 and Reproducibility in B8
    Combined and Expanded Uncertainty in G17 and G20
  3. You can change your "Distribution" definition in cells D7 through D16.
  4. Input "Traceable Uncertainty of the Standard" in cells A9:B9, "Resolution of the Standard" in A10:B10 and "Resolution of UUT" in B11:B11. Lastly, input your Type in column C and Distribution definition in column D:
  5. Uncertainty Template 2024

  6. Your data set will be placed into the following bar chart:
  7. Uncertainty Template 2024 Chart

For additional questions regarding this template, contact E=mc3 Solution directly: 330-328-4400.

Decision Risk Template

Included in the 07.2024 version of QI Macros

To complete this worksheet:

  1. Input your Sample and Measurement values in cells B15:C19.

    Your Sample Mean and Sample Standard Deviation will automatically be calculated.
  2. Next, input your Nominal Value in cell C3, LSL in C4, USL in C5, Measured Value in C6, and Std. Uncert. (k=1) in C7.

    All metrics in your Decision Risk template will be automatically calculated!
  3. decision-risk-template

  4. Then select your Guardband Method in the drop-down menu found in cell H2:
  5. guardband-method

  6. Lastly, input your Custom Acceptance Limit in cell M2.

For additional questions regarding this template, contact E=mc3 Solution directly: 330-328-4400.

Uncertainty 2016

To complete this worksheet:

  1. Input your "Technicians" data in cells E23 to J42.
  2. Once you have done so, your Uncertainty values will be calculated and filled in automatically.
    Repeatability in B7 and Reproducibility in B8
    Combined and Expanded Uncertainty in G17 and G20
  3. You can change your "Distribution" definition in cells D7 through D16.
  4. Input "Traceable Uncertainty of the Standard" in cell B9, "Resolution of the Standard" in B10 and "Resolution of UUT" in B11. Lastly, input your Type in column C and Distribution definition in column D:
  5. Uncertainty Template 2016

  6. Your data set will be placed into the following bar chart:
  7. Uncertainty Template 2016 Chart

For additional questions regarding this template, contact E=mc3 Solution directly: 330-328-4400.

Uncertainty 2015

To complete this worksheet:

  1. Input your information into cells C2 through C10.
    Uncertainty Template 2015 1
  2. Next, input your measurements data in I14 through R18.
    input measurements
  3. Once you have done so, your Combined Type A and B Uncertainty values will be calculated and filled in automatically:
    (Combined Type A Uncertainty in G19)
    (Combined Type B Uncertainty in G33)

  4. Uncertainty Template 2015 2

  5. Your data set will be placed into the following column charts:
  6. Uncertainty Template 2015 Charts

For additional questions regarding this template, contact E=mc3 Solution directly: 330-328-4400.

Other charts included in QI Macros add-in for Excel