Need to Conduct a SWOT or PEST Analysis?

QI Macros has Ready-Made SWOT and PEST Analysis Templates for Excel!

Why it Matters: SWOT and PEST are two methods of conducting research for strategic planning.

  • SWOT Analysis is used to identify strengths and overcome weaknessness. It also identifies opportunities and threats.
  • PEST Analysis (an alternative to SWOT) evaluates outside factors on a broader scale. These outside factors include: Political, Economic, Socio-cultural and Technological influences.

QI Macros SWOT Analysis Template

SWOT Analysis

A successful product introduction or process change may require analysis of:

  1. Strengths
  2. Weaknesses
  3. Opportunities
  4. Threats

PEST Analysis Template

PEST Analysis Template

On a broader scale, successful change may require analysis of:

  1. Political influences
  2. Economic influences
  3. Socio-cultural influences
  4. Technological influences

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