QI Macros Quick Keys
What are QI Macros Quick Keys?
Quick keys are macro short cut keys that allow you to run a macro by hitting the Ctrl and Shift key plus one other key. For example, you can select your data and run a Pareto chart by selecting "ctrl + shift + o".
QI Macros defaults
QI Macros 2009 and earlier versions - quick keys are turned on
QI Macros 2010 and later versions - quick keys are turned off. Quick Keys can be turned on and off again by clicking Control Charts » Control Chart Rules »Quick Keys On/Off
QI Macros Quick Keys:
To run a |
Select your data and then hit |
Pareto Chart | ctrl + shift + o |
Scatter Chart | ctrl + shift + z |
Box and Whisker Plot | ctrl + shift + w |
Histogram | ctrl + shift + h |
c chart | ctrl + shift + c |
np chart | ctrl + shift + n |
p chart | ctrl + shift + p |
u chart | ctrl + shift + u |
XmR chart | ctrl + shift + x |
XbarR chart | ctrl + shift + r |
Xand S chart | ctrl + shift + s |
Why wait? Start creating these charts and diagrams in seconds using
QI Macros add-in for Excel.
Why wait? Start creating these charts and diagrams in seconds using
QI Macros add-in for Excel.