Improvement Insights Blog
Smart Laziness
Are you smart lazy? It might give you better results faster. Here’s how:
Download my free ebook Agile Process Innovation.
“Hi, I’m Jay Arthur, author of “Lean Six Sigma Demystified,” “Lean Six Sigma For Hospitals” and QI Macros [software].
“I will tell you that I’m basically lazy. Just like all humans, I don’t want to work any harder than I have to. The other day I ran across a phrase called ‘smart laziness’… smart laziness. Now guess what? That means that you use your smarts to figure out ways that you can do things more easily.
“That’s one of the reasons I created QI Macros, because a lot of the things that I was trying to do back in the 90s were complicated and manual and slow. I started doing it faster, better using the tools of quality. Then probably about 2000 I started doing Agile Process Innovation (that’s what I call it). Now other companies have discovered the same sort of method, but they had to rediscover it; you can learn about it right here in my book, and that is not too complicated, all right?
“So start being ‘smart lazy’. Start getting more results faster, better than ever imaginable. Let’s create hassle-free healthcare; a hassle-free America.
“Let’s go out and improve something this week.”