The Lean Stay Up

Improvement Insights Blog

The Lean Stay Up

The book, The Lean Startup, explains how to startup a business, but what then? How do you stay up?


“I’m Jay Arthur, author of “Lean Six Sigma Demystified” and QI Macros [software].

“Years ago there was a book that came out about the “Lean Startup,” or how to start up a business using kind of a Lean principle. You know, bootstrapping everything.

“I want you to think about the idea of a “Lean Stay Up.” Once you’ve started a business and it’s going, you’re going to need to Lean the thing out. You need to simplify, streamline, optimize the whole thing to stay up, right? Endlessly and constantly improving the methods of delivery, satisfying customers: The Lean Stay Up.

“We can use the tools of Lean and Six Sigma to do that. What got you started was just brute force, gut feel and chasing the dream, but then you’re going to need some systems. some processes… and some measurements to sustain that new level.

“So that’s my Improvement Insight. Let’s not only start things up, but let’s keep things up: The Lean Stay Up. Let’s go out and improve something this week.”

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