DevOps and QualOps

Improvement Insights Blog

DevOps and QualOps

At ASQ LSS Conference in Phoenix, I heard an interesting presentation on digital transformation. Ben Lavoie of Anheuser-Busch asked:

How can LSS Stay relevant in a Digitally Transformed world that thrives on real-time changes?

Bad news: Need for real-time will disrupt DMAIC – leadership teams have no patience for delayed analysis and decision making

Good news: Still need people

Great news: Digital tools need LSS to solve the right problems


I think this speaks to the need for Agile Lean Six Sigma.

Ben also mentioned DevOps, how companies are integrating IT with operations in a continuous feedback loop:

devops tool chain image

I think if we substitute PDCA for the left loop and link it to operations feedback, we can get the same real-time results with Six Sigma.

Speed is the killer app!

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