Poisson – Lean Six Sigma Moneybelt

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Posts tagged "Poisson"

Binomial, Poisson, Attribute, Continuous Data Control Chart Confusion

A customer called today confused about her data. She wanted to draw a control chart and thought the data might have a binomial or poisson distribution. She thought it was attribute data. She’d used the QI Macros Control Chart Wizard to create a control chart of her data and it chose an XmR chart. She wasn’t sure that was right. When I asked her what kind of data she had, she said, “write-offs”.

Write-offs are money, plain and simple. Money is variable (a.k.a. continuous or measured) data.

I explained that to her and suggested she stop worrying about what kind of distribution she has and just look at her data.

Posted by Jay Arthur in QI Macros, Six Sigma.