Box and Whisker Plot – Lean Six Sigma Moneybelt

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Posts tagged "Box and Whisker Plot"

What’s Wrong with the New Excel 2016’s Box and Whisker Plot?

Microsoft added a box and whisker plot to Excel 2016, but it’s not everything you might hope for. Here’s an Excel 2016 box and whisker plot:

box whisker chart in excel 2016

You might notice that the whiskers have a crossbar on the end. It seems to have a spare “x” in the middle of each box and it’s a little hard to see where the median is. And there are unnecessary gridlines that are considered chartjunk. It does, however, show the outlier below the first box.

Here’s what the QI Macros Box and Whisker Plot looks like:

box whisker plot in excel

The whiskers are whiskers. The median is easily visible.

Posted by Jay Arthur in Excel, QI Macros, Six Sigma, Statistics.