Agile Lean Six Sigma for Health Care - with Jay Arthur
Simple Steps to Fast, Affordable, Flawless Health Care
The state of current medical practice is so bad right now that there's not very much worth protecting about the old ways of doing things. Nobody in medicine wants to admit this but it's the truth.
- Craig Field
Washington Hospital Center
We have divided this webinar by topic so you can watch at your convenience.
Reduce Delay Using Lean Simplified
The Economies of Speed
Simplify with 5S
The 7 Speed Bumps of Lean
Value Stream Mapping
Spaghetti Diagramming
Reduce Defects and Deviation Using Six Sigma Simplified
A Better Hospital in 5 Days
Reducing Never Events
Reducing Denied Insurance Claims
Implementing Six Sigma
Stop using old technology!
Upgrade Your Excel and Data Analysis Skills to Smart Charts Using QI Macros.
Track Data Over Time
Primitive Chart

Line Graph

Line Graph
Smart Chart

Control Chart

Control Chart
Compare Categories
Primitive Chart

Pie Chart

Pie Chart
Smart Chart

Pareto Chart

Pareto Chart
Analyze Variation
Primitive Chart

Bar or Column Chart

Bar or Column Chart
Smart Chart

