Six Sigma Conversion Table

Many people ask how percents and fractions convert to parts per million (PPM). Here's a cheatsheet!

Sigma Percent Fraction Lost Profit
(% of Sales)
1.5 Sigma Shifted PPM


69.15% 0.691462 50% 691,462 317,300
2 30.85% 0.308538 30-40% 308,537 45,500
10.00% 0.100000 100,000
3 6.68% 0.066807 20-30% 66,807 2,700 1.00
3.00% 0.030000 30,000
1.00% 0.010000 15-20% 10,000
4 0.62% 0.006210 10-15% 6,210 63 1.33
5 0.02% 0.000233 5-10% 233 0.57 1.67
6 0.0003% 0.000003 <5% 3.4 .002 2.0

1.5 Sigma shift accounts for "typical" shifts and drifts of the mean. 

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