Six Sigma Case Study Dojo
Practice Six Sigma Case Studies Using QI Macros
Load QI Macros 30-day trial.
Download one or more of the following Excel case study files. Follow the instructions to create an improvement project. Click the link in the instructions to see our results.
Healthcare Case Studies
Manufacturing Case Studies
Extra credit: Discuss with your co-workers.
Practice Drawing Six Sigma Charts Using QI Macros
Load QI Macros 30-day trial. Then find the test data loaded on your computer in your My Documents folder. Click on QI Macros Help to open the sample data:
Review QI Macros Test Data Files to Understand How to Format Your Data for Analysis
Open files and run charts (based on file name, e.g., pareto.xlsx) to gain an understanding of what data looks like and what kind of charts can be drawn from the data.
Extra credit: Run QI Macros Charts on your data. Discuss with your co-workers.