Want to Make a Stock Chart in Excel?


Stock Charts are Used to Track Fluctuations in Data

Stock Charts get their name from the Stock Market as they are most often used to track stock prices. However, they can be used to analyze many different types of data such as temperatures, machine output, weight, etc.

How to Create Stock Charts in Excel

To create a stock chart in Excel, select your data, then click on the Insert tab, Other Charts and then Stock. There are four different stock charts to choose from. They require your data columns to be in the order shown below:

create a stock chart in Excel

High Low Close

high low close stock chart

Open High Low Close (OHLC)

open high low close stock chart example

Volume High Low Close

volume high low close

Volume Open High Low Close (VOHLC)

volume open high low close

Consider These Other Charts to Show Data Fluctuation and Variation

Stock charts can be difficult to read, especially those that show the volume on a secondary axis. Here are some other options.

Stock Chart Using Line vs Columns

Right click on one of the columns in the VOHLC chart and change the volume series chart type to line chart.

stock chart with line

Box and Whisker Plot

Similar to the Open High Low Close Stock Chart, the Box Plot shows Outliers using "X" and shades the box to show the median.

box and whisker plot

QI Macros Add-in for Excel Makes it Easy to Create All of These Charts

While its possible to create stock charts in Excel, its extremely complicated and time consuming to create a Box and Whisker Plot. Save yourself time and headaches by using QI Macros. Download a 30 day trial and try it now.

Stop using old technology!

Upgrade Your Excel and Data Analysis Skills to Smart Charts Using QI Macros.

Track Data Over Time

Primitive Chart
line graph
Line Graph
Smart Chart
control chart
Control Chart

Compare Categories

Primitive Chart
pie chart
Pie Chart
Smart Chart
pareto chart
Pareto Chart

Analyze Variation

Primitive Chart
bar or column chart
Bar or Column Chart
Smart Chart

QI Macros add-in for Excel makes creating smart charts a snap.