The Strength of Weak Ties

Networking theory suggests that your network is only as strong as
its weakest link.


In other words, it's not the people you know well, it's the people you sort of know who can make all the difference.

For example
A guy bought my Motivation Profile almost a decade ago.

We've stayed in touch once every couple of years via email.

He lives in Atlanta, but he's been consulting here in Denver for the last two years. His client needs some problem solving using Six Sigma, so he asks me in to help out.

Two days of training/consulting on their claims process.

Then he's booked for the first few days, so he asks me to step in for him.
Two more days.

My Atlanta friend can't make the Christmas week meetings either.
Two more days.

They have another big project in Denver this summer - maybe two months!

He also knows a consultant who does the softer side of change management.
He refers me to his consulting friend to do the process/technology part.

One of the women on the Denver team has friend working on billing issues in California. She refers me to her friend.

Moral of my story
Make a little time for the "weak links" in your network.
You never know when they might pay off.

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