
In Guy Kawasaki's book, Enchantment, he offers insights into how to create products and services that enchant customers. It's a great read. In quality, the Kano model says some features are expected, but you will need features and benefits that delight customers. Kano and Kawasaki are saying the same thing. Customer's want to be enchanted.

Products and Services
Guy identifies a few key elements of products and services that enchant customers. It has to be:

  • Deep: It anticipates what customers will need as they move up the power curve.
  • Intelligent: It solves customers problems in smart ways.
  • Complete: It provides a great experience throughout its life cycle from the initial purchase through service, enhancements and so on.
  • Empowering: It enables you to do old things better and new things you couldn't do at all.
  • Elegant: This means someone cares about the user interface and experience.


Every sale has five basic obstacles: no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, no trust. - Zig Ziglar

It doesn't matter if you're trying to implement Six Sigma or market a new product, people will resist. Guy identifies barriers to enchantment:

  • Inertia: People who aren't doing anything don't want to do anything new. People who are already using a product or service don't want to switch.
  • Hesitation: Choosing one thing means eliminating all of the other possibilities. Some people just hate to reduce their options.
  • Fear of making a mistake. Not choosing, to these customers, means not making a mistake. Of course, not choosing is a type of mistake.
  • No role model. If someone else hasn't tried and succeeded, it may not be safe. That's why Jack Welch's entry into Six Sigma was such a huge boost. CEOs trusted Welch. So when he got into Six Sigma, his disciples followed.
  • Your cause sucks! Innovators think Six Sigma is the bane of innovation. Improvers think that innovators haven't thought through the delivery of their product or service. They are both right, but they haven't yet learned how to leverage each other's strengths to maximize productivity and profitability.

Here's My Point
Whether you're trying to sell your spouse on a vacation destination or a customer on a new product, they are going to resist. To overcome resistance, step into their shoes and think about how to enchant them with the idea.

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