Need a Gage R&R Range Method Template in Excel?
QI Macros has a range method (short form) template for you.
The Range method provides a "quick approximation" of measurement variability. It will detect unacceptable measurement variation 80% of the time with five samples.
To Conduct a Gage R&R Range Method (Short Form) Study, you will need:
- five parts that span the distance between the upper and lower spec limits. The parts should represent the actual or expected range of process variation. Rule of thumb: if you're measuring to 0.0001, the range of parts should be 10 times the resolution (e.g., 0.4995 to 0.5005).
- two appraisers (people who measure the parts)
- one measurement tool or gage
- two measurement trials, on each part, by each appraiser
- a Gage R&R Short Method Template like the QI Macros.
Example of a Completed Gage R&R Range Method Template
Here is an example of a Short Form Range Method template using data from the AIAG Measurement Systems Analysis Fourth Edition.
How to Interpret Gage R&R System Acceptability
- % R&R<10% - Gage System Okay
(Most variation caused by parts, not people or equipment) - % R&R<30% - May be acceptable based on importance of application and cost of gage or repair
- % R&R>30% - Gage system needs improvement
(People and equipment cause over 1/3 of variation)
If the %R&R is greater than 10%, use the long form Gage R&R to determine if it's an appraiser or an equipment issue.
In this example, % R&R is greater than 30% so we should conduct further analysis using more parts and appraisers and the long form.
You don't have to be an expert.
Use QI Macros Range Method template to mistake-proof your calculations.
Download a free 30-day trial. Get the Range Method template now!
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