Profile Your Ideal Customer's Motivation!

What would it be worth to get more customers who are similar if not identical to your best customers? How much more could you sell? How much would it reduce the complaints and increase the compliments?

You can if you understand the motivation style of your best customers and use irresistible influencing language to attract more customers just like them.

To begin, evaluate your best customers (the 20% that generate 80% of your profit). Check the box that most accurately reflects their motivation:

  • Enter the name of your product or service:

  • Enter the its most important feature:

  • What's important to your ideal customer about your product or service? What's your "secret sauce" that they can't get anywhere else?
  1. Does your ideal customer want to:
    achieve a specific outcome, goal, or objective?
    solve problems?
    both achieve outcomes and solve problems?

  2. Does your ideal customer
    gather information and decide for themselves?
    rely on others to recommend the best choice?
    both decide for themselves and rely on others?

  3. Does your ideal customer like to:
    break the rules and choose among alternatives?
    follow processes and do it right?
    both do it right and break the rules?

  4. Does your ideal customer want products and services that are:
    the same?
    improved, enhanced, expanded, or better?
    new and different?

  5. Does your ideal customer:
    buy immediately?
    think about and evaluate before buying?
    think about your offer indefinitely?


When you press submit, I'll generate a rough draft of the irresistible influencing language you can use to start attracting more "ideal" customers.